Monday, December 21, 2020 - 11:00am
All News Items
Here are a few examples of our work and activities this fall:
- In lieu of regular Short-Term Program weeks, a number of virtual instruction sessions have been very successful. Teachers have been very creative and become Zoom masters.
- NDVS/SB continues to work with the North Dakota Association of the Blind to host a topic-centered, weekly Coffee Chat and a Tech Talk for adults that are visually impaired. This has truly been fun and meaningful for all.
- Every other week, a young adult group meets via zoom to discuss a variety topics of interest to them.
- Regional Coordinators and other instructional staff continue to travel to schools and homes while taking safety measures.
- We did have a number of staff that were exposed to Covid-19 and needed to quarantine (including myself). Unfortunately, some did test positive and manifested symptoms. I am happy to report that all have recovered and returned to work.
- The long overdue renovation of our 2nd floor bathroom came to completion on Friday December 4th. We are pleased with the new amenities that will serve our staff, students and the Mayville State Head Start children.
- A very exciting thing happened in November. NDVS/SB was nominated and won the Friends of VR Award for 2020. We cherish our partnership with ND Vocational Rehabilitation and were both humbled to receive this great honor!
- Earlier in the fall we submitted a budget proposal based on the guidance provided by the Office of Management and Budget. Although every state agency was required to make reductions and to reprioritize some funding for the purpose of enhancing efficiency, I feel confident as we approach the legislative process in January 2021. We are grateful for the resources that will be appropriated to carry out our mission in 2021-2023.
Paul Olson