Monday, December 26, 2022 - 11:00pm Categories:
All News Items

by Paul Olson, NDVS/SB Superintendent

Gratitude is talked about a lot these days. It has been a thing for a few years to talk about it during particularly hard times, and I think that makes a lot of sense. When people start to think about what they are grateful for, they at least temporarily get their minds off of things that are difficult. That does not change the fact that many people are going through stressful times. Every person’s struggles are unique to them and some situations can truly threaten health and well-being. 

Recently many of the staff at NDVS/SB shared their gratitudes, and I found them so thoughtful and inspiring. It made me think about some of the challenges that some are going through, and they very much reinforced to me how beneficial it is to intentionally think about gratitudes. 

Here are a few things I am grateful for:
•    The most dedicated staff imaginable!
•    The wonderful, fun, resilient students (and their parents) we have the privilege to work with in schools across the state.
•    The many courageous adults we serve who are low vision or blind who are  working to live their best life. 
•    The wonderful support we receive from the ND Department of Public Instruction.
•    The amazing partnership we have with the ND Association of the Blind. 
•    The board members of the ND School for the Blind Foundation that make countless things possible for students and adults year after year. 
•    The support from Governor Burgum, his staff and so many members of the ND Legislature. We are blessed with a caring government in North Dakota. 
•    The opportunity to keep doing our very rewarding work again in 2023! 

Wishing you all a wonderful new year and a challenge to think intentionally about what you are grateful for in your life.