Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Categories:
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by Lanna Slaby
Region 6 Outreach Coordinator

When you go to Louisville, Kentucky, good luck saying it correctly. LoooVul, LooeyVille, LuhVul, LooaVille, and being from North Dakota, I’m sure I said it wrong. I had the privilege to go to Louisville in April to visit the American Printing House for the Blind as a 2022 APH Scholar. Over 150 years old, the American Printing House for the Blind began publishing raised letter books in 1858 and continues today by making accessible products for the blind. I was asked to attend their annual Trustee Advisory Committee Meetings along with 10 committee members, two co-chairs, and two other APH Scholars. 

During the weeklong stay, we heard updates regarding APH products and services and provided advice for each of these areas. At the end of the week, a report was drawn up and presented on Friday afternoon. Department chairs were present to hear the commendations and recommendations. It was so interesting to hear them share updates and ask specific questions on how their area could be improved. 

One of my unexpected highlights was running into Dr. Marje Kaiser, former Superintendent of the South Dakota School for the Blind. Dr. Kaiser is on the APH Board of Trustees, and she was there to hear updates about the new APH Museum called The DOT Experience. Groundbreaking ceremonies are to be held on May 22nd with completion targeted for around 2025. I’m hoping I get back to APH to see this amazing new museum. 

If you ever get the opportunity to go to APH, one thing that will stand out above everything else is their dedicated staff. One of my commendations was the staff’s passion for APH and of course, their warm welcome to all of us.  I’m really grateful I had this wonderful opportunity, one I won’t forget.