Sunday, December 12, 2021 - 11:00pm Categories:
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Adult Programming News

by Ken Dockter, Adult Program Coordinator

In early December, we had three adults join us for a week of Adult Programming. It was great to have adults back within the walls of the school. We had to start a day late as Mother Nature made her presence known on Sunday and delayed travel to Grand Forks. The adults were able to make it to the school on Monday afternoon and start classes on Tuesday. The adults had classes in Orientation & Mobility, Technology, Daily Living Skills, a group session to talk about adjusting to their vision loss, and braille. The Skills of Blindness for adults are very important as they learn to complete skills in a non-visual technique.  

The adults also had a lesson from a local dance instructor, which was a great time of learning to dance and laughing. Our adult students learned the cupid shuffle, the two-step, a little salsa, and the wobble. Another evening, those attending programming were treated to a Christmas piano recital by students who are taking piano lessons, which was a great way to get us in the Christmas spirit.   

At the end of the week, we had a Courage Ceremony where Certificates of Courage were passed out to each adult client. We present these certificates to all who attend a week of programming to acknowledge the time, effort, and courage it takes to attend a week of programming and learn skills to become more independent. The staff and clients shared highlights from the week and the clients also shared how they will take new skills home to help them in the future.

One week may not be enough time for a person to gain the skills they need to live a more independent life. We have other weeks of Adult Programming coming up. Our next week is March 20-25, 2022. New or returning clients may come to NDVS/SB that week. We will also have a week in May, June, September, then back to December. If people need in-home instruction, please contact Amy Osvold in western North Dakota and Pam Haus in eastern North Dakota to come and instruct you in your home or community.

On behalf of the Adult Team at NDVS/SB, have a great Christmas and Holiday Season!