Friday, April 29, 2022 Categories:
All News Items
Student Programming

by Cindy Williams
Student Program Coordinator

As the end of the 2021-22 school year draws to a close, I reflect on how wonderful it has been to have our students attend student programs in-person! We’ve had our usual student programs occurring on-site and had additional learning and social events occurring off-site as well. 

Some of our most recent programs included being physically on-site at NDVS/SB and off-site as well. During our March program, the students partook in numerous educational, vocational, physical, and social events while practicing their goalball game. The students had the opportunity to attend various job sites for hands-on experience, hear a presentation from the National Weather Service, ride the bus and learn how to use their maps and app, and complete an on-line “reality check” quiz about salaries, wages, and lifestyle costs. The students were surprised to find out what kind of income they may need to support their lifestyle!

We were so excited to venture to Aberdeen, SD on March 11th and partake in the annual goalball tournament along with 16 students from the MN State Academy for the Blind out of Faribault, MN. We were welcomed with various posters posted throughout the school and enjoyed Dairy Queen catered in at SDSBVI’s new school dining room. After dinner and conversation with the SD students, we were entertained at the local coffee shop, The Red Rooster, by various performers at open mic night. The Minnesota students joined us, and we all enjoyed snacks and the opportunity to express themselves through creativity by the paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, and Play-Doh that was supplied on the tables as we listened to the entertainers. From there we all went back to SDSBVI for an ice breaker activity where we were divided into various teams for the tournament and seated with our teammates to play Bingo. 

In April, we tried something new this year, and I brought some of our high school students to our Family Weekend event occurring in Fargo, ND. They partook in a presentation titled “Imagine a World with No Limits” by Neva Fairchild of the American Foundation for the Blind. They commented on how they enjoyed listening to her words of inspiration. Our students enjoyed socializing and interacting with parents and children of all ages Friday evening at our social with adapted games. On Saturday, the students assisted in getting ready for our conference including the lunch and awards program for our NDSB Foundation Art Card Contest. The students also volunteered in our childcare as parents partook in sessions and joined in sessions on their own or with their age group. It was a great weekend of learning, volunteering, and socializing!

The excitement will continue as we look forward to our upcoming summer programs which are all scheduled to take place in-person. The following is information on our upcoming summer programs.

Our Middle School Summer Program is taking place June 4-7, 2022 in the beautiful Lake Metigoshe area! This program is for students entering 6th/7-9th grades and incorporates lessons in the Expanded Core Curriculum and social outings. Our outings will include taking part in activities through Annie’s House, a rock-climbing excursion which students have found to be exhilarating in the past, and hiking at Metigoshe State Park. Please register by May 18th. See our Middle School Summer Program Flyer for further information.

We look forward to your teen joining us for our High School Summer Transition & Career Program! This program is intended for students currently in grades 9 – 12 and will focus on lessons regarding college and employment readiness, including higher education access and employment skills such as interviewing and job research.

Students will also experience:
•    Accommodations at Bismarck State College
•    Work experiences
•    Partaking in a service project
•    Vocational Rehabilitation presentation
•    Recreational experiences and fun! 
•    And of course, lessons incorporating the Expanded Core Curriculum 

This program will take place June 13 – 16th. Please contact Shanna Hanson to register and for further information at or phone 701-795-2708. The registration deadline is June 2nd. 

Our Elementary Summer Program (grades 1-5/6th) takes place July 31 - August 3 on-site at NDVS/SB in Grand Forks and will follow the ND State Library summer reading program Oceans of Possibilities. Join us for some fun, learning, and story adventures! Keep a look-out for further information to come.

Please contact me through email or phone 701-795-2704 to register for any of our upcoming summer programs or with any questions regarding our short-term programs. We have also included our short-term program calendar for the upcoming 2022-23 school year in our newsletter. 

Thank you for sending your child to learn and discover new experiences and independence while attending our programs! We wish all our students and families a joyful summer and look forward to working with them during our Short-Term Programs!